Roof Inspections

Don C Hartmann roofing offers inspections that will fulfill the requirements from your Homeowners Insurance Company. Citizens Insurance and State Farm seem to be asking for a lot more from their customers lately. One way is with requiring your roof be inspected and a lifetime expectancy of roof documented.

We are here to help. Don Hartmann has been doing these inspections for many years and knows what the companies want. He also knows how to bring your roof back to serviceable conditions at a fair cost to you, if your roof needs any repairs. Our fee is $150.00 for the inspection. Unlike any other roofer, if your roof does require some minor repairs to get a clear inspection, Don will deduct the inspection fee from the repair cost. He is that kind of a roofer, honest and fair to his customers. If you recently received a letter requiring an inspection give is a call today.

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